Lest, a website lacks on this front, then it will appear fragmented and discontinuous, leaving the users perplexed. They might even end up rejecting the site. This is why, it’s necessary to meet customer's demand of simple, effective and informative websites that meet their requirements in a convenient manner.
Open Source Services are counted amongst the most viable and renowned levers for cost optimization. Besides, there are countless reasons to use Open Source software with the most obvious being that it’s free to acquire, free to upgrade and free of annual licensing costs. You simply need to remove the cost associated with proprietary software and you are free to spend money wherever you need to and get right solutions meeting your business needs.
At Octal Info Solution, we help you meet your goals and over the years we have helped organizations of all types and sizes. Our open source applications are just right to save time and start a business very easily and cost-effectively, allowing the client to directly work with tried and tested features of the open source system. At the same time, customization options are also available.
We have Open Source platforms like Joomla and Word Press that are enriched with a lot of inbuilt functions and are utilized widely for blogs, CMS and ecommerce portals etc.
Some of our favorite projects.
Over the years, we have developed proven capabilities in these areas. Our expert designers have a deep understanding of the Open Source Services technology. They gather all the information of the typical issues faced by enterprises and on the basis of that identify the key areas in which enterprises can benefit by opting for Open Source Services technology.
We have gathered impressive domain and technology expertise that is well complemented by the strong Open Source Services technology partnership base. At Octal, our professionals are highly-experienced and they ensure safe and secured adoption of Open Source Services at an enterprise level, to the global clientele.
Glimpses of the same
“The Customer’s perception is our reality” – Kate Zebriskie