Undoubtedly, AR apps are at the forefront of today’s most popular phone apps. This is understandable as it offers a lot of new opportunities for both entertainment and orienteering. But how can all this be applied in marketing? It is time to go around this issue as well.
If you’ve followed our previous articles on applications, you’re probably already aware of how much custom-developed applications can have in your life. Augmented reality software further develops this capability in a very creative way. But let’s see what this looks like in practice!
You can check it out, try it out and even buy it.
There are many examples of different commercial companies calling on augmented reality to help introduce consumers to their products. In the case of IKEA, for example, it is possible to place different pieces of furniture in the apartment using the display, so we can see, for example, how well it fits into the environment and how much space it takes up at all.
In addition to such a feature, the possibility of instant purchase – that is, the web-store built into the application – can be perfectly combined. This allows you to have immediate access to the product once you are convinced that the product meets your needs, and conveniently do so with the help of your phone.
In addition, this is not the only way to present products to those interested. An AR app can even have a recognition feature that allows you to learn more about different devices via your mobile phone or even examine them both inside and out.
Sales and education
Nowadays, it is the key to provide enough information to those interested about the product you want to buy. In the world of the internet, the customer has the opportunity to compare different offers with a single click, so it is important to show them why they should choose your product.
Take a look: How Much Does Augmented Reality App Development Cost?
Augmented reality provides a great opportunity for this, as we have seen in the examples above. Products that you do not have the opportunity to watch live at the moment of viewing can be examined in the virtual space. This can also provide you with vital knowledge that you may not have thought of when editing the description or that may not be as important to others.
This feature ensures that the user gets answers to as many of their questions as possible without having to make a serious effort. This can be attractive to him, so he will be more likely to buy the product he has learned about in this way.
But why is an augmented reality so popular?
Both AR and VR are relatively new entrants to the market. The gaming industry soon found its potentials, such as a close-up gaming experience or elements associated with the real world. These open up a whole new dimension for players, experiences they may not have experienced before.
Thanks to this fun factor, augmented reality software, whether informative or games, easily grabs users’ attention. Get to know a whole new, fun form of shopping and information gathering with the app.
Take a look: Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, Concepts of the Future. But which one?
And why is this good for business? In addition to allowing potential customers and partners to relax using the app, you can also show them how important it is for you to have fun. This puts a lot at stake if we want to get them to commit to a company.
Do you want your business to have its own application? Inquire about the details at one of our contact details, see our package offers, and if you are interested in augmented reality, find out about our developments!